The Work and Holiday (Temporary) visa (subclass 462) is for young people, over 18 years of age and under 31 years of age (at the time of applying), who wish to spend their holidays and work in Australia for one year.

It is a temporary visa that encourages cultural exchange and ties between countries with which Australia has established an agreement.


Up to 12 months

  • AUD 485
  • CLP 250,000
  • USD 350
Processing times
  • 75% of requests in 44 days
  • 90% of requests in 80 days
About this visa

Once a Work and Holiday visa is issued you can travel immediately and have 12 months to use your visa.


After your first entry into Australia, you can stay in the country for a maximum of 12 months. During this period you can make multiple entries and exits. However, you must consider that the 12-month period of stay begins from the date of your first entry.

Full information on the second Work and Holiday visa is available at

  • As of February 18, 2019, the number of places for Chileans increased from 2,000 to 3,400 places.
  • Additionally, the letter issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile (MINREL) is no longer required.
How to Apply?

All applications for the Work and Holiday visa are submitted online through ImmiAccount. The embassy no longer accepts paper applications. Any paper application will be returned to the applicant



  • Be between 18 and 30 years of age at the time of applying
  • Have a Chilean passport. Provide a copy of the passport (the page with biographical data)
  • Complete an application form and pay an application fee
  • Have a functional level of English inglés funcional
  • Have enough financial solvency to stay in Australia and buy air tickets solvencia económica suficiente para mantenerse en Australia y comprar pasajes aéreos
  • Meet study requirements requisitos de estudios
  • An applicant can have dependent children, but cannot be accompanied by them during their stay in Australia.

These requirements are legal and failure to attach documentation will result in the rejection of your application!

Functional English

You will need to attach evidence of functional English to your application through one of the following options:

English exams (taken no more than 12 months before applying):
  • IELTS (General Training Module), minimum result of 4.5
  • TOEFL (IBT), minimum result of 32 points
  • Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), minimum result of 30 points
  • Cambridge English Advanced (CAE), minimum result of 147 points.
Studies carried out in English:
  • Have completed all years of primary education and at least 3 years of secondary education in an educational establishment in which ALL subjects were taught in English.
  • Have completed at least 5 years of secondary education in an educational establishment where ALL subjects were taught in English.

Important: The functional English requirement must be met at the time of applying. This means that if the application does not include evidence of English when submitted online, the application could be rejected.

Economic Solvency

The requirement is:

  • The equivalent of $5,000 Australian dollars for maintenance and stay expenses;
  • further sufficient funds to pay for tickets to leave Australia.

You must attach financial evidence to your application through one of the following options:

  • Updated bank statement/account statement; either
  • letter from a bank (signed and stamped) indicating the name of the account holder, type of account and the available balance; either
  • Bank statement/credit card statement.

If the funds are not your own, you must include a letter from the person who supports financially (sponsor), indicating that they will provide financial support during the stay in Australia and what the link is with the applicant, for example: father or brother. It must also include a simple copy of the sponsor's identity card.

Important: Important: The financial solvency requirement must be met at that must be met when applying.This means that if the application does not include evidence of funds at the time it is submitted online, the application could be rejected.

Certificate of studies

You must attach to your application evidence of:

  • Have obtained a university degree, or
  • Have successfully completed two years of university studies and have been promoted to the third year, or
  • Have a degree or be a graduate of a Professional Institute or Technical Training Center with a degree of at least 2 years duration.

Important: The educational certificate is a requirement that must be met when applying.This means that if the application does not include this document when it is submitted online, the application could be rejected.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos de salud?

The health requirement (if medical examinations are required) will depend on your personal circumstances, country of citizenship, stay in other countries during the last 5 years and your planned activities in Australia.

Please check here if you need medical exams (information only available in English).

If you require medical examinations, they will be requested once your application has been pre-evaluated.

More information:

Links of Interest


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