What is ABTC?
Since 2019, Auscham has been the official issuer of the APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC), which aims to facilitate the mobility of business people throughout the Asia-Pacific region, considering that their more fluid movement has a favorable impact on trade and investment.
Benefits provided by the ABTC
The Card holder will be able to enter the economies participating in the system that appear on the face of the ABTC, for business purposes, without the need to obtain a visa or additional authorization.
Preferential treatment in immigration procedures at the main airports of the participating economies.

Business trip
Facilitate the mobility of business people throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Without visa
Enter the 18 18 participating countries, without the need for a visa or additional authorization.

Preferential treatment
In procedures the Immigration procedures and at the main airports of the participating economies.

Preferential Price
For Auscham members
Card Validity
Period of Stay
■ The maximum period of stay allowed per trip is 90 days.
■ Economies that participate in this system currently are integral parts of this system:
■ Australia ■ Brunei ■ Darussalam ■ China ■Philippines ■ Hong Kong ■ Indonesia ■ Japan ■ Korea ■ Malaysia ■ México ■ New Zealand ■ Papua ■Nueva Guinea ■ Peru ■ Russia ■ Singapore ■ Thailand ■ Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)■ Vietnam
Requirements to obtain the ABTC:
Being Chilean
- Possess a valid, ordinary or official Chilean passport.
- Not having been prosecuted or convicted of crimes that the law classifies as a crime or simple crime.
- Be a business person or government official related to activities of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum.
- A business person will be understood as someone who is dedicated or related to the trade of goods, the provision of services or the performance of productive, financial or investment economic activities, and who requires travel for short periods within the Asian region. Pacific for these purposes.
- Have no negative business history
Documentation required to request the Card:
- Fully completed ABTC application IMPORTANT: PRINT IN LEGAL SIZE Download Card Form
- Fotografía a color con fondo blanco en papel fotográfico tamaño pasaporte 4x4cm.
- Color photograph, passport size (4x4cm).
- Color photocopy of passport
- Background certificate for special purposes issued by the Civil Registry and Identification Service.
- Certificate from the company where the executive works, detailing:
- Company data (Rut and Company Name),
- Executive's employment seniority,
- Position and specification of the functions of your position that make you require the ABTC (example attached)
- Proof of payment transfer from ABTC.
- Adjuntar los datos de facturación.
- The processing of the ABTC takes 4 to 6 months. If you have a trip scheduled before this time, you can mark the country as a preference in priority from 1 to 5 and those visas are processed first, so you will be able to travel without the need for the ABTC to be printed, as it will already be approved
- Todas las firmas deben ser originales y con lápiz color azul. respetando los márgenes establecidos en el formulario