Business Visa

Visitor visa category Business and “Official Visits” (subclass 600)

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The Visitor visa (category “Business”) (subclass 600) is a temporary visa for people who wish to travel to Australia on business. This visa allows you to carry out activities such as participating in commercial activities (Ex: business meetings, attending conferences, etc.)  

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Up to 3 months

  • AUD 145
  • COP 353,000
  • CLP 75,000
  • USD 105

Processing times

  • 75% of requests in 19 days
  • 90% of requests in 27 days

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About this visa

This visa does not allow you to work or provide services to a company or organization in Australia, or sell public goods or services. You should apply for the category that best suits your situation.

The Visitor visa (category “Business Visit”) only allows a stay of up to 3 months, for multiple entries or for a single entry, depending on the circumstances of each applicant.

Family members who wish to travel to Australia with you must submit their visa applications separately and for the Visitor visa (“Tourist” category) (subclass 600).

How to apply?

All applications for the Visitor visa are submitted online through ImmiAccount. The embassy no longer accepts paper applications. Any paper application will be returned to the applicant. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1588103282280{padding-top: 35px !important;padding-bottom: 35px !important;}”][vc_column]


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  • People who work for a Government or Government Entity and who need to travel to Australia based on their work and representing their Government must apply online for a Visitor visa (category “Business Visit”) (subclass 600).This visa allows you to carry out activities, such as:
    • actividades realizadas como parte de una visita oficial de gobierno a gobierno
    • participar en conferencias, ferias o seminarios y reuniones en representación de su Gobierno o Entidad de Gobierno. 
Fee and documentation for government representatives

Diplomatic and official passport holders are exempt from paying the application fee.

You are also exempt if you demonstrate that the purpose of your visit is by:

  • From diplomatic note
  • Provide a letter of support from your Ministry or Government stating the purpose of your trip and indicating that it is an official trip.

Supporting documentation must be attached to your online application along with a copy of your passport data page. Documents should not be sent physically or via email.

Important: To be exempt from paying the application fee, you must read and answer “yes” under the“Special category of entry”section of the online application form. If the applicant does not correctly answer the “Special category of entry” section, the system will ask them to pay the application fee once they have completed their online form.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1588103487636{padding-top: 35px !important;padding-bottom: 35px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][vc_column]

APEC Card Holders


APEC card holders do no requieren not require a visa to enter Australia, as APEC cards are associated with Visitor visas. If you have or have had an APEC card and are unsure of the validity of your visa, please log in to VEVO to check the validity of your visa.


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