
Alex Pessagno
Honorary Director
Comisionado de Comercio e Inversiones
Gobierno de Queensland
Alex was appointed Trade and Investment Commissioner in February 2014, whose Queensland Trade and Investment representative office is based in Santiago, Chile for all of Latin America and with a focus on market opportunities in Chile, Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
Asimismo, Alex y su equipo han apoyado a varias empresas de Queensland para desarrollar canales de venta y contratos en la región de América Latina en una amplia gama de sectores como: minería, educación, tecnología y alimentos y agronegocios.
During his career he has also lived in Argentina, Mexico, the United States and Spain.
Likewise, he has a Master's Degree in International Trade and Politics from George Mason University in Virginia, United States, and a Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Universidad Museo Social Argentino in Argentina.
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