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Sustainability is defined as the ability to maintain or balance resources within a system, whether changing or not. It is a holistic concept that involves a universe of issues far beyond environmental protection or energy. It includes, among others, the balance of human resources such as time, effort, finances, as well as architectural and engineering issues and even issues of intra- and intergenerational equity.

Our vision is that through our presence, spaces and actions (forums, communications, webinars) member companies are perceived as leaders in sustainability (holistically) and appear prepared to face the challenges of a changing world.


  • Create education and training instances focused on topics of interest to partners within the framework of sustainability.
  • Carry out activities that make associated companies visible (e.g. open seminars; visibility in the media, social networks, etc.).
  • Create activities that select relationships with other actors (networks) conversation sustainability committee.

Current management issues

  • Native peoples and project development (indigenous law and new recognized indigenous peoples).

  • Towards regulations for the rehabilitation of contaminated sites – case analysis – benchmarking.

  • Water supply for mining operations and the population.

  • Post-Covid-19 sustainable cities – teleworking – balance – public space – transportation.

  • Modification of the regulations of the Environmental Impact Assessment System.

  • Emission reduction trends in mining and decontamination plans (Calama particulate materials).

Esteban Domic


Carlos Aros Endeavor
Procurement Manager | Mining | Tech | Sustainability | Global Tech procurement manager BHP

Constanza Davidovich
Principal (Director) Sustainable Innovation BHP

Esteban Domic Manager
Program Management Office, Projects Minerals Americas


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